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There they advertised their own project, found a suitable team among the many Metin2 Pserver supporters and, as part of the constantly growing community, contributed to the creation of an ever-growing network of private servers that not least trying to fight each other with DDoS attacks. Very popular at the moment: the so-called Korifiles. These are pre-compiled Metin2 PServer Files, which can be downloaded for free and customized as desired. If it weren't for bribing the players with a certain amount of item shop credit, which is supposed to create an apparent win-win situation, but negatively affects the balance in the game itself in the long run. If there are too many rare items in circulation, they will lose their value and newcomers will have a harder time earning their place in the duel unless they have money to spend. Each PServer has the opportunity to draw attention to itself with its own slogan and banner. If the banners were still sterile at the beginning, a trend towards animated advertising images can be seen with the increasing popularity of the Metin2 Pserver, which was also only made possible by the rapid increase in technical knowledge. …

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Kaymakam Ömer Lütfi Yaran, bu etkinliğin önemine dikkat çekerek, “Kitap okumanın toplumların gelişiminde büyük etkisi var. Ülkemizin geleceği için kitap okunması şarttır.” dedi. (Haber Yazısı) D) Okumak, okumak, okumak… Okudukça çözülür yumak. Okumak üzerine çok yazılar yazıldı, yazılıyor, yazılacak. İnsan unutmaya yatkın bir varlıktır. Bu yüzden sürekli vurgulamak gerekir okumanın önemini. “Öğrenmek için değil, yaşamak için okuyorum.” diyor Flaubert. …

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